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Nov 24, 2024
BLOG: Interview with Alicia M. Highland founder of Tiny Green Learning
I'm excited to share this Q&A style interview highlighting Alicia M. Highland - founder and executive director of Tiny Green Learner. Over the past year, Alicia has become both a friend and a business inspiration. She's a lover of all things outdoors, super smart, and great at social media. She's also an all around great business owner, friend, and person. Please keep reading to learn more about Alicia and her work!
Aug 28, 2024
NEWS: From rust to recreation, collaborating to make Northeast Ohio a leader in outdoor fun
AKRON, Ohio -- While Cleveland is known for the river that caught fire, Northeast Ohio’s outdoor industry has flourished in so many ways. When the Cuyahoga River went ablaze in 1969 and was listed as a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency “Area of Concern” in 1987, no one would have guessed that our region would grow into a poster child for environmentalism and have the potential to be a leader in the outdoor recreation industry.
Aug 21, 2024
BLOG: Community Collaboration with Recreation Club
We have been so excited to collaborate with Recreation Club an organization based in Shaker Heights, OH, dedicated to promoting outdoor activities for all ability levels. Recreation Club provides a safe, engaging environment for teens and adults with autism and other intellectual disabilities.